Standardisation Work
Causalis personnel are active in engineering-standardisation work as well as in engineering policy.
Peter Bernard Ladkin is a member of four International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Project Teams/Maintenance teams for international standards, in two Technical Committees,
- TC 56 Dependability, for which he works in
- PT3.23, developing a new international standard for Root-Causal Analysis (in which Causalis specialises), to be known as IEC 62740 Root Cause Analysis
- MT 5, the team “maintaining” (revising and modifying) IEC 60812 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). The work will result in a new Edition of the standard. FMEA is a very-widely-used technique for hazard and risk assessment of engineered products.
- TC 65 Industrial-process control and automation / SC 65A System Aspects, for which he works in
- MT 61508-1/2, the team responsible for “maintaining” (revising and modifying) Parts 1 and 2 of the general functional-safety standard for E/E/PE-based equipment, IEC 61508. Work on the next Edition is anticipated to begin in 2014
- MT 61508-3, the maintenance team for IEC 61508 Part 3, software functional safety. The team begins work in April 2013. The work will result in a revised version of IEC 61508 Part 3.
Ladkin also works in standardisation committees for the DKE, the German standardisation organisation for electrotechnical equipment, and the DIN, the general German standardisation organisation. He is a member of
- DKE GK 914, functional safety of E/E/PE-based equipment, mirroring TC 65 /SC 65A in Germany
- DKE AK 914.0.3, the working group of GK 914 concerning with software functional safety, mirroring MT 61508-3 in Germany
He chairs the working groups
- DKE AK 353.0.5, Risk Analysis of the Charging Processes for Electric Road Vehicles
- DKE AK 132.0.1, Interest Group in FMEA, which mirrors TC 56 MT 5 in Germany
and is for the DIN de-facto co-chair of
- DIN NA 131-05-02-01 AA Safety of Software in Air Traffic Management and Associated Systems (rough translation), which is currently working with international guests on software assurance levels for critical software, as directed by European Mandate M390/2006.
Additionally, he is an invited guest in committees
- DKE K132, Dependability
- DKE K353, Electric Road Vehicles
Peter Bernard Ladkin is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in Britain, and is a member of
- IET Information Technology Policy Panel, which considers issues of concern to government and society in general concerning information technologies (most obviously digital-computer-based systems), prepares short informational documents and position statements on info-tech matters of social interest, and issues advice in response to Government consultations.
Bernd Sieker is a member of
- DKE AK 353.0.5, in which he is active in preparation of the documents presenting the formal risk analyses, whose hazard-analysis parts are based on HAZOP and OHA.
He is proposed
- as German Expert to the IEC TC 56 Maintenance Team for the HAZOP international standard IEC 61882 (this is currently a “Proposed Work Item” within the IEC and has not yet been formally tasked)
- as member of DKE AK 914.0.3, for which he starts work on a research project to determine a more detailed incorporation of various mature formal methods as recommendations in the software functional safety standard DIN EN 61508-3 (the German version of IEC 61508-3)